Planning it Right

Anushka Singh
2 min readJun 9, 2021

I believe most of us have had the old adage ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’ thrown at us multiple times by almost everyone around us. As kids, schools planned the crucial 8 hours of our day while our parents wouldn’t stop emphasizing the importance of a home timetable when all we looked forward to was P.T. classes and playing on the streets, and watching a cartoon/movie/series. As we entered teenage, it just became so much harder to keep track of everything with all the hormones raging and board examinations and competitions and it never became any easier.

Just think of those select few in your lives for whom everything seemed to be working out so well, the ones who seemed to have it all under control. What do you think was different about them? Was it the good grades or the teacher’s affections that kept them in shape? Maybe. But something that was much more powerful was just good, old planning. And I’m not necessarily talking about daily timetables.

It is always important to pay attention to the plethora of small things in your environment and get them in order. Something which we usually don’t realize is that trivial stuff like the place of your pen or your laptop or your accessories, etc. could create a major difference in your daily efficiency. All of these things, when put in inaccessible positions, not only ruin your mood but also dampen your energy. The key to overcoming this is simple. Planning it Right.

This multi-dimensional blog will provide you with a comprehensive process to optimally plan the facets of daily life. Not only will this help you build a better work/study environment around you but also provide you with the widely-coveted peace of mind. And as a bonus, you get to direct any (or all) of your anger/rage/frustration constructively. Have you heard that the best cleaning gets done when you’re angry? Wonder why…

Success is more than luck, it’s about planning towards achieving it. With that thought, au revoir!




Anushka Singh

Your regular daily person trying to pen down some of the craziness in the mind!